Erin and Jacob were playing frisbee when the frisbee went over the fence. A sign told them to keep out but little did they know why. It seems a large snake lived in the field and was ready to strike anybody that came in. Would Erin and Jacob get bittten and what will happen if they do...
Tommy and Jay had to turn in this paper at the end of the school year. But this assignment was at the beginning of the year. No problem they thought but they slacked off big time and didn't finish the paper. When they got to school the teacher said they made the deadline and they were the only two students there at school. But the teacher was saying "you didn't make the deadline" to the empty desks. Had the teacher gone crazy or is she a demon...
Jack and Jeaneane's grandfather was ill but he still had a good sense of memory. He told them about a fire he lit with a friend when he was a kid. They lit it in a field but that field was in an ancient burial ground. He made the spirits angry and now the spirits are coming after him and Jack and Jeaneane.
Amelia was bored and invited her friend over. Her friend just bought a new cat. But the cat didn't like Amelia and scratched her. Then Amelia noticed one day that her hands had fur and her ears were getting pointy and she was shrinking a little. Is this just a coincidence or something else....
Beau wanted revenge for the teachers picking on him. Because they always made fun of him for being a game show fanatic. So now he's hosting a game show but not any ordinary game show. A monstrous game show where the teachers are contestants and they might die of excitement...